MYTHOS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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MYSTERIA 3CD ALBUMS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reviews and recommendations! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mark Wagner schreibt in (Australien): | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sonics (S): 5 of 5 stars, Performance: 4,5 of 5 stars WOW....when I received an e-mail from this company asking for anyone who wanted to review it, I decided "what the blazes" and replied a hearty YES. Boy am I glad I did!!! This SACD is a sonic journey, made for dark rooms and friends sitting around with the music taking the listener to other worlds, realms and alternate universes. Hey, you can even do this without the drugs!!! The sound is superb though the booklet shows no images. There is an excellent sense of space though it is hard to tell what is actual studio space and artificial reverb. Please do not take these comments to be a negative as the sound is fine!! I have to be honest and state that I know nothing about the composer. However, I had decided to now check out his previous releases as I loved 98% of the music on the disc and I look forward to hearing some of the composer's music. A fund disc with some great sounds and great musicians!!! Highly recommended!!! Copyright © 2007 Mark Wagner and | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Edgar Kogler schreibt in AMAZINGSOUNDS / Spanien: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MYSTERIA ist ein großartiges Drei-CD-Album von MYTHOS/M.A.S.S., welches der Künstlername von Stephan Kaske ist, dem Gründer der legendären Band MYTHOS von 1969. Dieses Album verbindet Space Music mit populärer Synthesizer Musik in einer äußerst einfallsreichen Art und Weise, was beweist, warum es dem Künstler glückte, ein musikalischer Visionär zu werden. Kaske, der sich seit jener Zeit sowohl mit mannigfaltigen Projekten wie auch als Komponist von Film- und Fernsehmusik eine mächtige musikalische Karriere erarbeitet hat, offenbart eine herausragende Verbindung künstlerischer Schöpferkraft und Beherrschung der elektronischen Medien. In diesem Falle bedeutet dies, dass dieses Album ein wahres Juwel für die Liebhaber bahnbrechender Elektronik Musik ist; von bemerkenswerter Schönheit vermeidet es gleichzeitig fruchtlose Experimente wie auch sattsam bekannte kommerzielle Rezepte. (Übersetzung: Notowicz Translations) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SONIC CURIOUSITY / U.S.A.: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MYTHOS / M.A.S.S.: Mysteria (triple CD on Membran Music) This release from 2006 offers a total of 160 minutes of delightful electronic music. Fanciful keyboards drive these melodies, assisted by percussion and an assortment of sampled instruments. The electronics are versatile, sometimes rumbling other times glistening. A certain jubilant flavor is present, bestowing the melodies with a bouncy quality. Grittier elements provide a tasty counterpart to this joviality, infusing the tunes with a sense of mystery that never becomes too foreboding. While the keyboards ring with a lustrous clarity, a murky demeanor gnaws at the edge of the chords. A stance of amused majesty might better describe the overall mood. Sparkling melodies are established, then embellished by auxiliary cadence. Repetition plays only a small role in the music's structure, as passages unfurl with inventive variations. Fresh riffs are constantly surfacing, tirelessly bolstering things with entertaining diversions. The percussion is nimble and generous, providing the melodies with sumptuous locomotion. Traditional drums share the rhythmic stage with a bevy of synthetic beats. Vocal strains are manifest in several songs, generating a human presence, grounding the music's effervescent mystique. Compositionally, this music is tight and ripe. Classical styles blend with modern sensibilities to produce rich melodies with wide-range appeal. Passion is suitably present but under studied restraint. Despite their enigmatic aspects, the tunes remain amiable and wholly accessible. Their drama exists on a fundamental level, albeit cocooned with layers of jocular motivation. Good-time tuneage with strong maturity. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dene Bebbington schreibt in MELLIFLUA / GB: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kaskes neuste Veröffentlichung ist ein Drei-CD-Album namens MYSTERIA - jede bestehend aus 5 Titeln - das die am meisten zu würdigen wissen, die einen Super Audio CD player besitzen. Der kürzeste Titel "Karakuri" ist das Highlight der ersten CD. Abgefahrene Synthi-Linien mit beängstigend dröhnenden Power-Themen kombiniert mit dahinjagenden Rhythmen und einer Melodie in exotischem Stil zielen auf verborgene Emotionen. In einigen Stücken gibt es ein sinnliches Lauern in den Rhythmen und Melodien und speziell in "Metrosexual Zone" bringen die sinnlichen ethnischen und androgynen Stimmen diesen Aspekt hervor. Bei "Adrenalin Hunters" überrascht es nicht, dass die Musik mit einem ansteckenden Rhythmus "losgeht", überstrahlt von einer Melodie von funkelnden Tönen, die manchmal eine Helligkeit erreichen wie ein im Himmel explodierendes Feuerwerk. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phil Derby schreibt in Electroambient Space: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Was war es für eine Freude als dieses wunderschön verpackte 3-CD SACD Album in der Post lag. Komplettiert durch ein 28-seitiges Booklet, dessen Inhalt die detaillierte Geschichte des Mannes hinter dem Projekt wiedergibt, Stephan Kaske aus Berlin. Die Musik ist wohlklingend, meist locker und losgehend, mit Sequenzern und Drums, durchaus mit Progressiv Rock Einflüssen. Typisch für die Musik ist Track 3 der ersten Scheibe, "You Are Evil". Trotz des finsteren Titels ist er eher strahlend und rhythmisch mit einem cool swingenden Groove, der ihn stetig vorantreibt. Ähnlich optimistisch ist "Hawai Iniki" mit einer Vielzahl von lockeren Synthesizer Ebenen. CD2 startet hübsch mit "Adrenalin Hunters". Coole Sequenzen und mächtige Beats bilden den Hintergrund zu einer Vielzahl von raffinierten elektronischen Strukturen inklusiv einem sehr Tangerine Dream ähnlichen schneidenden Synthie Sound. Beginnend mit Power lehnt er sich im Mittelteil etwas zurück gegen eine verspieltere Rhythmus Arbeit. Hören Sie in diese CD hinein, schon damit Sie sagen können, Sie haben noch eine weitere SACD außer Tangerine Dreams "Rubycon"! (Notowicz Translations) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Morpheus Music (GB)schreibt: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Eine beeindruckende 3CD Collection melodischer Elektronik Musik mit wohlprogrammierten Percussions und gelegentlichen World Music Elementen. Die musikalische Herangehensweise ist dramatisch, energiegeladen und farbenfreudig - stark programmierte Rhythmen treiben vielschichtige elektronische Arrangements, in denen einfallsreiche Themen prächtig gedeihen zwischen wirbelnden Effekten, sich verwandelnden Sequenzen und zart strukturierten Schleiern. Einen zusätzlichen Ausdruck verleihen orientalische Erhu-Violinen, ergreifende weibliche Stimmen, die den Fernen Osten nahe bringen, sowie weitere weltumspannende Einflüsse. Die Abwechslung kommt vornehmlich aus der Fluktuation in der Klangintensität und -Schichtung. Wiederholungen sind geschickt eingesetzt, und wiederkehrende, fortschreitende Motive bauen sich zu dynamisch pulsierenden Kompositionen auf. (Notowicz Translations) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SEQUENCES electronic music magazine (GB): | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MYSTERIA - An Electronic Journey Into Sound I was surprised to learn that not only is former Mythos mainman Stephan Kaske (whose 'Grand Prix' is something of a forgotten classic!) still making music but had received Schwingungen awards as recently as 2005. This lavishly-packaged 3CD box set (with a smart booklet, too!) is his latest offering, containing 15 tracks of rather fine rhythmic melodic synthmusic of the sort that is a rarety these days & Kaske's melodic skills mean there is plenty of worthwhile music to be discovered here, as proven by 'You Are Evil', where some imaginative vocoder effects are absorbed into the melodic framework or the 14-minute 'Hawai Iniki' which is even better, setting off from an immediately infectious sequencer backing that is returned to, to good effect, throughout the track. It's also one of the few longer pieces that doesn't sound like it goes on for too long, thanks to the greater variety on offer although others are not so lucky. 'Dynamic Relaxation', for example, is another 14 minute job & is far too repetitive, saying all it needs to in half that time which does dilute somewhat the impact of the otherwise quite enjoyable melodics. The 'uniformity' that is evident in the backing rhythms doesn't help in this regard, either, although his melodic skills, for the most part, compensate for this with 'Adrenalin Hunters' boasting a nice contrast between the bright & breezy sequences & the dynamic main theme or 'Easy Rotations', where the offbeat, almost rusty-sounding sax adds a down-at-heel jazz feel & it's no bad thing to see an EM musician looking beyond the usual realms for inspiration, is it? Elsewhere, some wordless vocals add to the already uplifting mood of 'Passione Totale' which opens disc three &, although I'm not too sure about the title, the similarities between 'Pimp Your Guitar' & TD's late 80s work is actually quite enjoyable, with some almost mind-bending guitar work adding a sharper edge to the pleasant melodics. As the collection nears its end the overtly happy feel of 'Fourthreetwoone' is tempered slightly by a nicely abstract middle-section before 'Kirikaeshi' brings out the analogue drum machine for one last hurrah, along with the kind of ethnic effects that were 'in vogue' about 10 years ago but they basically sound OK here, bringing to a conclusion this fine release that's well worth discovering. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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